The car model name is only for reference, only your steering wheel / gear shift knob / handbrake is the same as that in our product picture, it will fit ! If you are not sure, lease contact us before buying !


Loncky Blog is Here

Loncky Blog is Here

admin 15/09/2014 4
          Welcome to Loncky BlogWelcome to share your thougts about the custom fit steering wheel cover here :)...
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We've launched our blog

We've launched our blog

admin 15/09/2014 3
Welcome to Journal Blog, a simple and very powerful blog system built directly into Journal offering an advanced feature set with over 200 customization options. You can author unlimited blog posts and display them in both Grid or List views with support for our famous Items per Row feature. The blog comes with 6 modules including an advanced Posts Module that allows you to display articles on any page within your store and in any position. Now with support for Carousel mode even in List view.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis egestas laoreet. Etiam faucib...
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Another Blog Post

Another Blog Post

admin 15/09/2014 2
Welcome to Journal Blog, a simple and very powerful blog system built directly into Journal offering an advanced feature set with over 200 customization options. You can author unlimited blog posts and display them in both Grid or List views with support for our famous Items per Row feature. The blog comes with 6 modules including an advanced Posts Module that allows you to display articles on any page within your store and in any position. Now with support for Carousel mode even in List view.This is a blockquoe element  styled from the Journal admin. You can edit font settings, line-height, m...
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Traveling to Greece

Traveling to Greece

admin 15/09/2014 3
Journal Blog has finally arrived. It's a simple and very powerful blog system built directly into Journal offering an advanced feature set with over 200 customization options. You can author unlimited blog posts and display them in both Grid or List views with support for our famous Items per Row feature. The blog comes with 6 modules including an advanced Posts Module that allows you to display articles on any page within your store and in any position. Now with support for Carousel mode even in List view.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis egestas laoreet...
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Another Journal Blog Post

Another Journal Blog Post

admin 15/09/2014 2
Welcome to Journal Blog, a simple and very powerful blog system built directly into Journal offering an advanced feature set with over 200 customization options. You can author unlimited blog posts and display them in both Grid or List views with support for our famous Items per Row feature. The blog comes with 6 modules including an advanced Posts Module that allows you to display articles on any page within your store and in any position. Now with support for Carousel mode even in List view.This is a blockquoe element  styled from the Journal admin. You can edit font settings, line-height, m...
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Introducing our classic watches lineup

Introducing our classic watches lineup

admin 15/09/2014 1
Welcome to Journal Blog, a simple and very powerful blog system built directly into Journal offering an advanced feature set with over 200 customization options. You can author unlimited blog posts and display them in both Grid or List views with support for our famous Items per Row feature. The blog comes with 6 modules including an advanced Posts Module that allows you to display articles on any page within your store and in any position. Now with support for Carousel mode even in List view.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis egestas laoreet. Etiam faucib...
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The wool jackets are back in stock

The wool jackets are back in stock

admin 15/09/2014 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis egestas laoreet. Etiam faucibus massa sed risus lacinia in vulputate dolor imperdiet. Curabitur pharetra, purus a commodo dignissim, sapien nulla tempus nisi, et varius nulla urna at arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis egestas laoreet. Etiam faucibus massa sed risus lacinia in vulputate dolor imperdiet. Curabitur pharetra, purus a commodo dignissim, sapien nulla tempus nisi, et varius nulla urna at arcu.Welcome to Journal Blog, a simple and very powerful blog system built directl...
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